Monday, July 20, 2009

National Arbitration Forum Stops Arbitrating

It appears that the National Arbitration Forum has closed its doors (mostly). In settlement of the claims against it by the Minnesota Attorney General, the NAF has agreed to cease almost all arbitrations that it currently offers (it has retained the right to do internet domain name arbitrations).

This is significant in that the NAF was one of the go to arbitration panels utilized by credit card companies in their mandatory arbitration clauses. What will this do to the arbitration clauses? Who will become the arbitrator of record? What does this do to cases that went through arbitration to conclusion? At this point we will wait and see.

Thanks to for their coverage of this case.

1 comment:

  1. That’s great to hear! Please let us know what you think of it. I am greatly enjoying it, myself.

    Best Attorney
